Westfield Road, Bishop Auckland
County Durham, DL14 6AE

NBA Sunday Service


We would like to make you aware that starting on Palm Sunday, our YouTube channel will be making available a devotional video for each day of Holy Week, with different members of our NBA team contributing.

We’re releasing the first one, for Palm Sunday, early, to give you a flavour. it’s available below this message.

With regards,

Paul Revill
NBA Regional Minister / Mission Enabler


As we enter 2021 with more than the usual mixture of hopes, desires, fears and anxieties, it is good to be reminded that God goes with us every step of the way and that his plans and purposes will not be thwarted by a pandemic or any other crisis. Our video message below is on the theme of ‘replanting the church’.

Below are dates for our online prayer gatherings for the Spring of 2021:

An opportunity to come together and reflect upon what God is saying to us and doing amongst us as we continue to navigate the pandemic together.

And finally we would like you to pray for our Health & care Workers. I am very happy to commend this resource produced by the North Western Baptist Association. We are grateful to them for making this available.

Paul Revill
NBA Regional Minister / Mission Enabler

Assistance – In the first instance please do come to me for pastoral or ministry matters; to Elaine for administrative concerns; and to Tony for matters relating to the governance of the NBA such as the Council and the transition plans for the Association.  If in doubt, I’m happy to be your first port of call.  Please remember that we are here and available to help you.

A Reflection – As the pandemic drags on and I sense there is a growing weariness and discouragement at the ongoing restrictions and disruption which seem to be with us for quite a while yet, may I take this opportunity to share with you some thoughts which were shared by one of our church members in a prayer gathering this morning.  She likened our current experience to the exile of Judah and from Jeremiah 29 reminded us that firstly it’s OK to be honest with God – and others – and lament; that we are called to settle down for the long haul; that God still has good plans for us and through us for others; that God wants us to be a blessing and to seek his blessing for the communities in which we live; that he calls us to seek him wholeheartedly and make this our aim at this time – and that he promises to come to us.

Forthcoming events…
Ruth Rice Webinar on Renew Wellbeing
A few weeks back Ruth Rice spoke for us online on Renew Wellbeing.  The video of the webinar is available here
Covid Cash Recovery Course
The C of E are running another of these courses which assist churches in supporting those in our communities suffering greatest hardship through the pandemic.
And finally
Through November and December we will be offering a Sunday worship service only for a few select occasions, such as Remembrance Sunday and Advent Sunday, but I hope to record some shorter ‘Covid Conversations’ with guest speakers on different themes relating to how God can reimagining and renew our personal and church life through the ongoing pandemic and its aftermath.  We’ll let you know when these come out.  
May God’s grace and peace be deeply in you and with you.

Previous services can be found online at
Website: http://www.thenba.org.uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/northernba/